Together We Can Save Souls
Hmong World Ministries (HWM) is a non-profit ministry incorporated in the State of Minnesota under tax exemption section 501 ( c )(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is established accordingly to the Bible in John 3: 16 says that:
“None Perish”
HWM does not receive government grants. In order for us to continue our radio broadcasts to reach out to the millions of people in the world so they can experience true happiness on earth and eternity with God in heaven, we count on support from Churches, friends, and those who know the love of God and want share that love to others. Over 95% of the 12 million Hmong in the world are still under Satan’s chains. They live in deep valleys and on the tops of mountains. They are far removed from cities and have no missionaries, TV and radio to educate them about God's love. There are no school for children to learn or even hospitals to heal the sick. They need so much love and help. In order for us to continue
our radio broadcasts and our strategic village projects, we need your prayers and financial support.
Please invite me to share with you, your church and community about the miracles God has done
in our lives and the needs of your brothers and sisters anytime. Thank you!
How Can You Support?
Send your tax deductible donation to:
General Council of the Assemblies of God
U.S. Missionaries # 2546927
1445 Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
Hmong World Ministries
10524 Kimbro Ave S.
Cottage Grove, MN 55016